
講演者のPamela Scheffler教授(ハワイ大学)は、現在インドネシアFullbright Scholarとしてもご活躍なさっており、本講演では、ハワイとインドネシアにおける生態系とアグロフォレストリーの比較研究について、最新の話題をご提供いただきます。奮ってご参加ください。
日時:2023年7月21日(金) 16:00-17:30
場所:吉田キャンパス総合研究2号館4階AA447言語:英語講演者:Dr. Pamela, Professor, Hawaii Community College, USAタイトル:Ecosystems and Agroforestry: Hawaii and Other Tropical Islands
Natural ecosystems are under increasing pressure from growing human populations and changes in material consumption across the tropics. Anthropogenic disturbances, including global warming, biodiversity loss, and decreases in forest cover threaten both human and non-human survival. Agroforestry, the process of combining crop and tree production, is one method of addressing human needs while lowering the negative impacts on ecosystem services. This talk will discuss traditional and current agroforestry practices in tropical islands from Indonesia to Hawaii and the diversity of agroforestry systems across ecosystems. Comparisons will be made between islands that have maintained traditional agroforestry landscapes (e.g., Bali) to those where traditional agroforestry was disrupted and novel systems are being reinvented (e.g., Hawaii).